最新的 1 集
Raised in a cult

Raised in a cult

Serafina Tane was born into a religious cult on New Zealand's South Island. The cult leader was a charismatic but abusive man named Douglas Metcalfe, who claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ (R)
Serafina Tane was born into a religious cult on New Zealand's South Island. The cult leader was a charismatic but abusive man named Douglas Metcalfe, who claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ (R)
剧集 ID1000554328144
发布日期:2022/3/17 上午8:00:00


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Apple Podcasts:买家评论

A Great Listen - Richard has a lovely manner

Its hard to believe that no-one has written a review for Richard. He has a great sensitive and lighthearted touch.
Thanks Richard