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Tax Reform in the Digital Era

Tax Reform in the Digital Era

Global tax system on...
Global tax system on bridge in digital era. And governments have had enough of bearing tech giants' tax avoidance. A global corporate-tax pact hammered out by the OECD promises to bring a fairer global economy. The landmark deal represents more than 90% of global GDP and it will also reallocate more than $125 billion of profits from all around the world. In this episode, our two guests share their views on the impact of the OECD agreement for companies, industries, and especially for those low tax countries like Ireland, Bulgaria, Hungary and etc.
剧集 ID1000544641008
发布日期:2021/12/11 上午12:00:00


Biz Talk gives an in-depth look into how top companies around the world conduct business and how policymakers view the fast-changing world economy. It presents 360 degree profiles of industry movers and shakers, tech mavericks and policymakers, and drills down on the stories behind their success, to give you clarity on what's happening in every facet of business.

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